Record Company

Produced by Louis Perry (0254) & Roisin Evans (0107)

Monday, 14 February 2011

Audience feedback on Finished video

Now that we have finished our video. And to go along with our evaluation we have got together a group of male and female students who all fit within our target audience which we have been planning to aim our video at.

We have chosen to film our audience feedback. This way it will become easier to adding into to our evaluation. It will also help us to use a multiple styles of media context within our evaluation to make it as interesting as possible.

Within this we chose to ask a number of different questions. These questions where made to help us get as much positive feedback. And also help to try and gain some constructive criticism as well. This would help us to then maybe work on our video for the final deadline. Making it the best it could possibly be.

Some of our group which we asked to help us with the audience feedback, had seen parts of the video and had been giving us different points for us to work on, and make our video the best it could possibly be. The group watching had all seen different versions. And elements had changed from when they had all watched it last.

Below is the questions which we asked our audience:

1. How smooth was the editing? E.g. transitions cut on beat, lip syncing.
2. What did you think of the video?
3. What did you think of the effects used in the video? Did they work within the context? Was there any effects that did not work?
4. What did you think of the casting? Did they people we chose fit the roles?
5. Was there anything that you did not like? Or would change?
6. Did you understand the narrative?
7. Other comments

I found that these selections gave us enough feedback to help us with our evaluation. We have also decided that from this there is not really anything that we now want to change within our video. And we are both 100% happy with the outcome of it.

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