Questionnaire results
In the preparation for creating our music video we decided to create a questionnaire which we were going to ask our target audience the “hopeful youths” we chose to create a questionnaire as it meant that we would be able to find out which kind of ideas people had about videos, and what is seen at the moment. Some of the information which we have used has influenced what we are going to do within our video. Hopefully this will all be for the better.
For our questionnaire we chose to ask around 50 people aged between 15 and 18 we also wanted to try and get a mixture of male and female. We ended up with a larger percentage of them being female. We wanted a mixture as we would be able to get different results from each gender. We did not manage to get all of the questionnaires back so in the end we ended up asking a total of 46.
Within our questionnaire we ended up asking
Aged 15 – 3
Aged 16 – 2
Aged 17 – 3
Aged 18 – 1
Aged 15 – 8
Aged 16 – 5
Aged 17 – 18
Aged 18 – 6
Witihn the questionnaire we chose to ask people what kind of genre they profered. We asked them all to tick 3, in some fo the questionnaires people only ticked one ore two bpxes. Here are the results about the profered genre.
From this we are able to see how that there is a varied interested in music. With only alternative standing out with having a much higher level of interest than others. I feel that this is because there are so many different genres about and also a number of different songs which fit to different genres within the charts at the moment which create an interest in a number of genres. I am expecting this to be similar within the results for the females.
This is kind of what I expected as we are able to see that there are a wide variety of genres selected through the genres. It is very clear that within the female results we can see how indie is very popular throughout the age groups. Other than this I was expecting this to have an average level for each genre with a couple which had much higher numbers.
The next question which we asked was. Who is your favourite artist? From this question we have found that there are a very wide range of artistes which are very popular within the hopeful youths. These are all artists which people would look up to and maybe aspire to be like in the future. Through the feedback there are only a couple out of the whole 46 people that we asked who have said the same artist. Which there proves how many different artists are around at the moment.
What type of video do you prefer? We chose to ask within our questionnaire what people would prefer to see whether it be performance, narrative or concert based. We chose to ask this question as we were struggling with how much narrative we wanted to put within our piece. As we had an idea of what we wanted to use but did not want this to take over the piece. This is the feedback which we got:
From this I am able to see how people prefer to see elements of narrative within a music video that they are watching. From this we have decide to keep the narrative aspects within our video but make sure that they are all relevant for the video and for the song. I feel that this will all change and we will find something extra after filming and when we get into editing. This is when we could add more narrative elements or take some out.
Do you prefer music videos which have links between lyrics and visuals or music and visuals? We struggled with this as we knew we wanted to have this connection within our piece somewhere. We have been thinking of a couple of ideas about what we could possible do for each, but it all depends on what the audience feel should be included:
From this it is clear that people would rather have a link between the lyrics and visuals. Because of this we have found some elements where we are able to add this within our piece, we struggled with trying to make some of these elements as clear as possible. we have also decided to include elements of links between music and visuals and both myself and Roisin feel that this works very well.
How do you think the artist to look? I do not thin many people took this question seriously as we had a lot of answers saying that they think they should be “hot” or “good look” we had a couple of answers which did help. These were saying how they think “the artist should link to the song and the genre” which is what we were thinking of doing.
Do you think special effects work within music videos? If yes what effects work? I do not think that many people understand what kind of effects we meant as a lot of people left this question blank. Some of the answers which we had where that the use of
• black and white
• enhanced colours
• slow motion
• fading
we are hoping to be able to use these within our piece as both myself and Roisin feel that these would work and fit within or music video.
Have you heard of the song “The cave” by Mumford and sons?
Most of the people within our questionnaire have heard of the song, which is a good thing as it means we can get more feedback if we need about what kind of narrative they think we should possible have or what elements do you think would work.
Our next question was. What do you think of it? Overall most people said that really liked it or loved that song. It is also a song which the find very relaxing and could listen to for a long time. This is good as it means that people may want to watch the video as they like the song. It also means that we have to do a good job to make sure we create a video which will link to the song.
All of the feedback which we got from our questionnaire has been very helpful and has given us a lot of ideas. Now that we are in the process of starting to edit, some more of the points which we asked our audience will come into action more, as we can chose how much of certain elements we show.