Record Company

Produced by Louis Perry (0254) & Roisin Evans (0107)

Monday, 13 December 2010

Test shots.

Once looking at the video of how to use final cut we both decided that it would be very useful to have a practice on some of the edits which we want to use as they are more complex than what we used last year.
One of them was the idea of having the screen turn round so that the female started off walking on the bottom and ended up walking on the top of the screen. Below is the 1st draft of working with this and the outcome of what we have been working on.

To start off with I found that I was struggling with how to work the programme, but after a while of playing around I worked it out and got the hang of what I was doing. While experimenting with this it took me a long time before releasing that a circle is 360° and half a circle would be 180°, this then made it a lot easier when working on turning the screen. One thing which we found we did not like was the way we had a black mark around the outside of the screen, this we were unable to get rid of.
In the next lesson, we decided that we would re-shot the characters walking towards the camera at the height which we thought would be best. We also decided to look at having a go at layering different clips over the top of each other.

This was something which we both found very difficult to work out, and wish that I had looked at some videos before, for help. Once getting the hang of how to work out what we were doing, we were OK and managed to crop each other different frames and then layer them over the top of each other. One problem which we found is that the camera did not stay in one place and had moved between the shots. This is something which we are going to have to work on as it did not look very nice and was unclear.


  1. Good to see you guys getting to grips with some of the effects in Final Cut Express - you learn a lot through trial and error tests like this. Well done!

  2. Love the way you have included all your tests!
