Looking through the exams boards points in which we have to address to achieve the hightest marks for our project, mysekf and Louis have concluded that we have a few things in which to improve on our blogs that we can achieve the best marks possible.
Both of us have worked hard to compare other music videos and look at what the directors did to achieve the great quality in which they are recognised for. However though Louis has done one post which consists of looking at past student work, I myself have not. So this seems to be our first target: to look at past student work and see if it can inspire us to do similar or better.
We have looked at and disscussed costumes for our characters within the video it seems that props are also needed to make the set appear more realistic and well researched.
Having looked at other students blogs I have found that some have ceated their own time maps of when they wil be filming, as myself and Louis feel that it is best to keep as oranised as possible we have decided to look into creating our own time map. However we only have very few days availiable to film so this may be insignificant due to the short amount we have.
For the most part our blog has been well designed and been kept simple and precise, however there are one or two video posts which differ in size,we may improve this by making all the videos on our blod the same size so as not to distract the viewers or confuse them.
Throughout the start of the project myself and Louis have dicussed using different technologies, this needs to be shown on our blog as proof of the research we are doing to improve our video. We have discussed putting up blogs about this.
To conclude we feel that though our blog is in need of some small and big changes we are doing quite well inkeeping up-to-date with our progress, for that we have given ourselves a mark of 15 which is a high Level 3, however we still want to improve this and wil continue to do so.
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