The relationship between both the visuals and the lyrics is clever in the fast movement of each scene. Though the editor has paid close attention to the detail and made sure that though the clothes, background, even hair style of the artist changes he does not move position. It is also noticable that it must have taken a long time to make sure that the lip movement was not out of sinc with the lyrics of the music; it is all kept in time.
There are elements of performance within the video, especially towars the end, during these scenes there are the classical rock-band shots. With many close-ups of the singer engaging the audience watching by singer directly to the camera. There are also angled mid shots of the bass players and the drumer; the drums beating on the big important beats emphisies them.
There may be possible intertextual references as there are scenes within hospitals and some dramatic scenes between lovers; this could be assosiated with soap-operas and the drama that takes place within those narratives. Yet there is a more naturalistic feel to these scenes which helps the audience connect with what it happening in the video.
Good use of images in this post but try to link some of your comments directly to them